Show Me the Man That You Really Are

After yesterday’s angst anger-filled post, I decided to turn the tables a degree by writing a poem.  A gentle poem that conveys a more positive scenario (hopefully to ward off the return of more Saturday Night Guys in a different body).  I read a spiritual post this morning about transmutation, changing or transforming something negative into something positive.  This is my attempt to do just that.

Show Me the Man That You Really Are

Show me the man that you really are
Not the fancy clothes or the fancy car

Show me the man that you really are
Whether you think you are above average or sub-par

Show me the man that you really are
From a close distance, not from afar

Show me the man that you really are
In the moments of light and the shadows of dark

For after you show me the man that you really are
That is when I will know to give you my love and my heart

Show me the man that you really are.

And that is today’s exercise in transmutation…

Losing My Personhood

Saturday night, I went out to an art fair where local artists exhibited their work at local businesses.  The event was complete with food, drinks and music throughout the business district.  I randomly strolled through some shops that I had never thought to walk into before.  As I strolled solo through the streets, eventually, I ran into someone that I know from being at Starbucks from time to time (the second person that night actually).  She was there with her boyfriend.

While standing talking, three men approached and one of them started a conversation complete with introductions all around.  A few minutes into the introductions, the direction of his conversation became a little more pointed – was I married, so forth, etc.  I deflected his attention with “seeing someone”.  He and his friends moved their personal party up the street and we moved mid-street.  At one point, I wanted to check out the band that was playing on a corner and drifted off for a second – long enough to re-attract the attention of Mr. Life of the Party.  Since I was alone, he had the opportunity to say what he couldn’t say in mixed company.

Initially, his comments were relatively benign.

“I would love to give you my number so that we can go out.”

“I would love to buy you a drink or something to eat.”

“You have a beautiful smile.”

“You really are an attractive woman.”

He went on to explain to me that he had his own house that was paid for and a car that was also paid for.  In addition, he mentioned that he ran a company.  He made the distinction that he did not OWN the company but could pretty much do as he pleased when it came to his job.  He mentioned that he enjoyed going out and having a good time such as what he was doing that night.

At a certain point during the conversation, he made me want to punch him in the mouth…

“You are slim and petite just like I prefer my women.  Ahhh, the things we could do together (as voice and thoughts fade off).  If I walked into a party with THAT on my arm, everybody would be looking my way.”

This is not an exact replay of what he said because I was not recording his conversation.  However, within three minutes of our “private” conversation he had told me he owned his house, he owned his car and had a high-paying job with next-to ultimate responsibility (I’m assuming the level of responsibility had a corresponding level of pay).  Too much of the wrong information.


In the course of his “eloquently waxing poetic” about my fitting his petite preference, he also completely objectified me by calling me THAT.  His exact word, verbatim, was THAT when he referred to my envy-making potential if he made an entrance with me by his side.


Am I not a living, breathing person?  Do I not have thoughts and feelings?  Or am I a vehicle for someone, who is obviously hell-bent on impressing others, to further impress?  When did we start conversationally substituting the pronoun you (representing a person) with the pronoun that (representing an object)?  Is that en vogue now?

Men who feel an all-consuming need to impress others (me included) are the ultimate turnoff.  I was married to someone who was concerned about impressing others.  It was frustrating and tiring because every action was calculated for effect.  There is no room for doing something just for the hell of it or the love of it when your goal is to impress.  Purchases are not made based on the merits of the product but the name associated with the product and, again, the ability to impress.  To this day, I feel that we married early so that my ex-husband could have bragging rights of having married before his brother.  My ex-husband married me more for my looks than for the way he felt about me.  Today, years later, his brother is still married and we, of course, are not.

Post-divorce, I met someone else with whom I was involved.  He would talk about his desire for us to take a trip to a town in Florida that is not readily thought of when it concerns Florida.  I thought nothing of it.  He mentioned his hobbies, one of which was skydiving, which, again, I thought nothing of.  He later purchased an Audi two-door convertible sports car.  It wasn’t until I went to a party and met several of his friends that I understood that he too was someone overly consumed with the need to not only impress but compete.  While at the party, I met a friend that he talked about quite frequently.  I also met his girlfriend.  The friend’s girlfriend and I looked very similar, I was just younger.  During the course of my conversation with the girlfriend, she mentioned that the couple loved to drive down to Florida to the now, not so random town.  She even mentioned that he would let the top down in his less fancier, non-Audi but still convertible sportscar on the way down there.  One of his hobbies?  You guessed it, skydiving.  During one conversation, I was presented with all the ways that my boyfriend, whose behavior I could never completely understand, was hellbent on impressing (and even one-upping) one man – his so-called friend.  I was just a bit player in a life my boyfriend was imitating while his friend was living his true life.

Ultimately, I would like to have a relationship.  Not just the physical relationship that seems to be top of mind for many men, rather an emotional, physical, love and friendship-based relationship.  Being referred to as THAT, being seen as a body-type and being used as a proxy for making good impressions is antithetical to that.  It is also something of which I’m pretty tired.  If anything, let us just be. Together.

High-Rise Emergency

Today started off similar to any other day, then, it took a sharp left turn.  I work above the 20th floor of a high-rise building.  One of my coworkers went downstairs for her smokebreak and then called me to report that there was some type of building emergency.  During the state of emergency, elevators could be taken to go downstairs but not upstairs.  Tenants and guests were directed to go upstairs using the freight elevators.  Later, as details emerged, a suspicious package was received by one of the tenants.  Ultimately, the fire department, the police department, EMS and Homeland Security (the heavyweights) were here to assess the danger of said suspicious package.  Another coworker who was arriving when this was winding down said the EMS took someone away.

Just think, I had just complained to a friend that I had a boring life…

Stillness and Intent

In the past, I have had an amazing array of occurrences in my life that seemed to flow in the direction I wanted my life to go.  My time living in Saint Louis was a phenomenal period in which I learned to go with the flow more and to release my white-knuckled grip on the illusion that I controlled or ran things.  Now, I find myself drifting in a seemingly directionless current whose path appears, at best, to be random.  On a deeper level, I know it’s not been completely random because I’ve had the benefit of 20/20 hindsight to provide clarity to some of my previous experiences.  I now feel the need to insert a little bit of direction/intention so that I can move in what would seem more of a progression towards what I would like out of life.

While in Saint Louis, I primarily worked on intentions alone and reached out to others when I needed a boost.  Now, I would like to work with others to focus on intentions.  There are several things that I need/want/desire to make happen, surgery is just the start of one of them.  In addition, I also recognize that others could benefit from working together in order to co-create a different reality for themselves as well.  For several months, I have toyed around with the idea of getting a group together in order to do meditation while focusing on our intentions.  I have Reiki Level II attunements and can help be the “boost” that I’ve sought in the past to those who are attempting to gain some type of foothold on creating a different reality.  Even without a specific intention, the group (and I) could benefit from stepping out of time for a moment and just being in THAT moment.  At this point, the idea with which I had been toying is becoming more of a strong desire/compulsion.  When things make it to this stage, I comply.  Within the week, I will put the makings of a group out there and see what transpires…

Speaking of meditation, during the same time The Pauper and the Queen came through me, I also had a poem of visual meditation come through (literally on the same day).  Unfortunately, I don’t spend much time following my own poetic visualization but maybe it can help someone else.



Take in a very deep inhalation

So that every cell feels exhilaration

Pulling in an ebb of vast positive energy

Giving your mind, body and spirit synergy


Follow this with a moment to exhale

And let your problems set sail

Then on the outbound flow

Just let all those worries go


Let your mind release old worries

As it slows its pace to absolutely no hurry

See the worries as useless debris

Floating further and further out to sea


Feel your body release its tension

As peaceful relaxation becomes your intention

Let your body be cradled by the gentle motion of the sea

Just as a mother’s loving arms cradles her baby


Feel your spirit become one with creation as it expands

So that you now touch everything, but not with your hands

Expand your consciousness to exist and just be

In a state of being that has no future and no history

From Disappointment to Hope

After having been introduced to Ennio Morricone through Yo-Yo Ma’s translation of soundtrack hits using stringed instruments, I went beyond the Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone album to fully explore Morricone’s music.  I rented movies from Netflix whose soundtracks he scored.  I rented a VHS tape from the school library and watched it with my then-boyfriend (who still had a VCR).  I even watched a movie online (illegally) because I could only find it at a download site.  Listening to Yo-Yo Ma’s amazing renditions were one thing (he successfully translated Ecstasy of Gold to strings after all).  However, experiencing the original music en scene provided more depth to what was, previously, an auditory experience only.  I was hooked…

Although Morricone was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy Awards, he does not perform often in the United States.  There have been times when I’ve been out of the country and found that he was performing (or worse, had performed) somewhere nearby.  However, timing and money always conspired against me.  I recently made an online purchase that has me the recipient of “hey, check out our LATEST great deal” emails seemingly everyday.  Typically, I ignore them.  For some reason, Wednesday I decided to actually open one of the emails to peruse its contents before deleting and what did I discover?  A package deal for Morricone’s concert in New York!  The email came a little before two weeks in advance, the concert is in New York no less and basically impossible to do.  I was elated AND deflated within seconds.  A coworker asked me about any upcoming trips around the time I was at my deflated lowest.  I told her about how much I would have wanted to see Ennio Morricone in concert but missed the opportunity because I had just found out a few weeks in advance.  We talked about other vacation/trip related minutiae and we both then proceeded with the rest of our workday.

For some reason, I went back to look again today and what did I discover?  The concerts have been postponed because of a back problem that Morricone’s doctors did not think would heal properly with long-distance travel.  Now, instead of less than two weeks away, I have three months to see if I can make it to one of his concerts!!  I do not believe in attempting to profit from the misfortune of others but I do find that the postponement has now made a far-off dream a far closer possibility.

Ahhhh, the difference a day makes…

The song that, when I first heard it, stirred that “something” in me (album purchased based on this one song):


The original version from the film, Una Pura Formalita, with Gerard Depardieu on vocals:

One of Morricone’s more recognized hits, en scene:

Yo-Yo Ma’s stringed interpretation:

And, a remix: