Baby, baby, baby

Last night, we had a baby over and I spent much time holding him.  He was four months old and had the sweetest temperament ever.  I had what I thought would be an opportunity to hold him for  a short while and ended up being attached for far longer than I anticipated he would allow.  At one point, he became slightly cranky because sleep was coming for him.  Realizing this, I decided to employ the Nighty-Night technique I figured out when my niece was a baby.  When he had been awake and engaged, I held him near my right side.  When I realized he was sleepy, I turned him so that he rested on my left side and could hear my heart beat.  Within minutes, his eyes closed but then reopened after a pause.  This happened a couple of times until he fell asleep without reopening his eyes again.  To test his level of sleep, I later lifted his free arm and dropped it.  It fell straight down without any stiffening from him.  He was well and truly asleep.

A sleeping baby is one of the sweetest things in the world.  As much as I would love to experience the sweetness of my own sleeping baby, time continues marching forward and, at 40, the forward march of time is not a benign element in my desire for children.  Although I’m an extremely capable and independent person in other areas of my life, I realize this is the one thing I don’t want to do alone. 

In New Year, New Optimism I outlined what I would like to do from a professional standpoint.  This post is more personal.  Personally, I would love to, first, have a relationship (I am a step-by-step person).  However, it would need to be a loving relationship where creating a family would be a welcome option.  Then, I would love to create said family.  As before, I’ll do what I can solo and leave things open for change.  Anything can happen…