Me And My Little Girl

Not what you’re thinking, I didn’t lie – I don’t have any children. I do however sponsor a little girl in Haiti through World Vision. Once a year, I receive an update on her progress and a new photo. Today I received this year’s progress report with her photo attached. That made me smile for a moment.

Looking at her photo kind of reminds me of me when I was her age. I’ve had incredible opportunities to come my way (others I’ve created by sheer will). When I was her age (11) I couldn’t have foreseen some of the things I’ve experienced/achieved. I can definitely say I’ve not allowed my austere beginnings to impede my dreams. It has taken a little longer for me to accomplish some things but I’m accomplishing them nonetheless. I hope that my sponsorship will in turn somehow offer her hope for the future. If nothing else, maybe it lets her know that some strange lady in the US knows who she is and is helping her and her family a little each month. In times of need, just knowing that someone out there cares for you and is doing something can mean the whole world.

This is the story of me and my little girl.

Currently listening:
Blink the Brightest
By Tracy Bonham
Release date: 21 June, 2005