Sick And Lonely (Or Lonely And Sick)

I got back from my whirlwind vacation and realized I needed a vacation to recover from my vacation. I was just joking but the Universe heard my joking request and granted it – I’ve been sick since Monday and have been at home resting and recuperating since Wednesday. Of all things to have, I have a cold that is really funky. When I went to the doctor Thursday I had a fever of 101.2 degrees. It is seldom that I get sick but this week I have been very not-well. I called a friend in Atlanta and she didn’t even recognize me because my voice is so raspy/hoarse.

Being in the house for three days (four including today) straight with minimal interaction with others has made me realize one thing – I’m lonely. I don’t have anyone here who can easily come over and sit with me for a minute to provide me with much needed company. That’s not a good spot for me to be in and I don’t like it. I think I need to get out and meet some people so that I have FRIENDS. Universe, could you send me some friends as well? Real friends of course.